
One of the oldest and richest museums of Siberia and the Far East. It was founded in 1891 by an initiative of political exiles. There are about 140 thousand exhibits in the museum. Unique tower of Yakutsk stockaded town is located on the territory of the museum. It is the most ancient building of Yakutsk built in 1685-1686.

Lenin av. 5/2, tel. +7(4112) 42-52-62.

Permafrost Institute of Siberian branch of Russian Academy of Science

Permafrost Institute is a part of Siberian branch of Russian Academy of Science and was founded in 1961 It is a unique scientific institution researching how permafrost exerts influence over nature and life processes.

During excursion in the Institute underground laboratory you will be an eye-witness of that natural phenomenon. Excursion guide is a candidate of geographic sciences Mark Shatz, Тел : +7 (4112)33-44-23.

Merzlotnaya str, 36, Yakutsk, 677010 Russia, tel/fax: +7 (4112)33-44-76, e-mail:







Museum of Mammoth of the Academy of Science of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

The museum was founded in 1991 as a scientific and cultural center. It is designed to study mammoth fauna and its habitat of the Ice Age. It is the only specialized museum of unique paleontological exhibits in the world. Fossils of mammoth and mammoth fauna are valuable prehistoric relicts and considered as national treasure.


Kulakosky str. 48, tel/fax +7(4112) 36-16-47.

International Museum of Khomus (Vargan) Music

Khomus (Vargan) is one of the most ancient and popular music instruments. Its sound is hypnotizing and mysterious. Reach and unique exhibition of the museum shows more than 400 different kinds of vargans of many different nations of the world.

Kirov str. 33, tel. +7(4112) 35-46-44, fax +7(4112) 35-94-70

The Museum of archaeology

Address: Kulakovsky St., 48.